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Why can't I save PDFs to my PC anymore? Whether in Reader or Acrobat Pro DC, the save button is grayed out. HELP
I have never had a problem saving PDFs to any PC. Now with some apparent move to the cloud, I no longer have the option to save. Why have a save button that is grayed out? I have tried Reader, I downloaded a trial of Acrobat Pro DC to see if that made a difference, but no. I cannot find any option within Adobe's menus to simply "Save" or "Save as" and save the PDF to my PC. It should not be this hard.
[Title edited for brevity and clarity by moderator. Original title moved to first paragraph.]
General troubleshooting , Windows Community guidelinesBe kind and respectful, give credit to the original source of content, and search for duplicates before posting. Learn more
42 Replies 42Copy link to clipboard
The save button is grayed out until you make any changes to the PDFs.
When changes are made to the PDF for the first time, the file will have to be SavedAs.
Making subsequent changes to the file in the same Reader instance will allow Save.
You could restart your machine one and then relaunch Reader/Acrobat and then see.
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Community Beginner , /t5/acrobat-reader-discussions/can-t-save-pdfs/m-p/8094894#M14311 Feb 01, 2016 Feb 01, 2016Copy link to clipboard
I have nothing to edit - I want to save a PDF that was emailed to me. Why in the world does that functionality no longer exist? And apparently you have to pay to edit. so you're telling me there is no other way to save PDFs that I have no intention of editing"?
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It seems like you are on Reader and that does not let you edit a PDF.
If that was emailed to you ,you must have downloaded the PDF and it would be automatically saved.
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Community Beginner , /t5/acrobat-reader-discussions/can-t-save-pdfs/m-p/8094896#M14313 Feb 01, 2016 Feb 01, 2016Copy link to clipboard
Never said I wanted to edit a PDF file. I want to take ANY PDF and select "Save as" and save to wherever I want, including my hard drive or OneDrive. It does not "automatically save" because it isn't on my computer and has no idea where I want it saved. Why is the "save as" functionality not available anymore?
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/t5/acrobat-reader-discussions/can-t-save-pdfs/m-p/8094897#M14314 Feb 25, 2016 Feb 25, 2016Copy link to clipboard
Having the exact same issue. Adobe automatically downloaded the new version. Now when I download a pdf it opens in 2014.010.20056. THe save button is grayed out so I cannot save the document to my computer. I poked around online and found that I should uncheck "Show online storage when saving files" and I was able to save files again. Now a few days later I open another pdf and cannot save it to my MAC but save is grayed out again. It is maddening that I can download files but not save them. PLEASE FIX STANDARD ADOBE READER CONFIG TO ALLOW THE USER TO SAVE A DOCUMENT.
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/t5/acrobat-reader-discussions/can-t-save-pdfs/m-p/8094898#M14315 Mar 13, 2016 Mar 13, 2016Copy link to clipboard
Why the changes? I can't save a PDF to my computer either. It's a score report from a website I need to send in. Thank you for making these changes. They really are screwing us!
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Community Beginner , /t5/acrobat-reader-discussions/can-t-save-pdfs/m-p/8094899#M14316 Apr 02, 2016 Apr 02, 2016Copy link to clipboard
Can someone answer this greyed out problem is causing a problem with my biz and it is frustrating! Idon't need to edit my legal forms for contracts but yet Adobe is not letting me "save as" file like I use to. HELP ADOBE with this issue. Ido not want to save these on cloud I want saved on my computer. I have a mac, but I hear windows is having same issue.
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/t5/acrobat-reader-discussions/can-t-save-pdfs/m-p/8094901#M14318 May 04, 2016 May 04, 2016Copy link to clipboard
Has an answer been provided to this critical question? I have a Real Estate business. need to save files to my computer and be able to attach to an email. THIS IS CRITICAL!! Please help.
Need to SAVE and SAVE AS without editing
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/t5/acrobat-reader-discussions/can-t-save-pdfs/m-p/8094902#M14319 May 04, 2016 May 04, 2016Copy link to clipboard
Choose “Save As” from the File Menu. A window opens up showing your recent folders or you can “Choose a different folder”.
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/t5/acrobat-reader-discussions/can-t-save-pdfs/m-p/8094903#M14320 May 04, 2016 May 04, 2016Copy link to clipboard
When opening the files in a browser, be sure you are not using Chrome/Edge/Firefox. They have their own pdf viewers which may or may not have "Save as".
If you want to use those browsers, you need to right-click on the link to the pdf file and choose to save it. Then open it in Acrobat Reader or attach it to your email.
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Community Beginner , /t5/acrobat-reader-discussions/can-t-save-pdfs/m-p/8094907#M14324 Sep 13, 2016 Sep 13, 2016Copy link to clipboard
Thanks, but still the question not being answered: why could we do save and save as when already have the pdf document opened (pdf viewer) before and now those buttons are grayed out and cannot do save or save as anymore?
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/t5/acrobat-reader-discussions/can-t-save-pdfs/m-p/8094900#M14317 Apr 09, 2016 Apr 09, 2016Copy link to clipboard
I sympathise totally. You can save to the cloud but how do you retrieve files from the cloud and then save them to your computer or attach them to emails?
Doesn't anyone from Adobe read this forum??
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/t5/acrobat-reader-discussions/can-t-save-pdfs/m-p/8094904#M14321 Jun 23, 2016 Jun 23, 2016Copy link to clipboard
Any sort of update on this issue/bug/annoyance?
We have Acrobat Pro DC, version 2015.016. As of approximately 2 weeks ago, the option to "SAVE AS" is grayed out on the File menu. There is no error, the screen does not hang, has nothing to do with editing the document. Simply, we have a pdf document open, we would like to save a copy of it. In Acrobat 7, we can click on FILE, select SAVE AS, and save the document where we want. In DC Pro, the SAVE AS function is grayed out. The keyboard short Shift-CTRL-S will work. Why is the "SAVE AS" button grayed out and what update happened in the last few weeks that did this?
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