Business by the book

the complete guide of Biblical principles for business men and women

от Larry Burkett

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Business by the book Larry Burkett

Business by the book

Business by the book от Larry Burkett

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Последний раз отредактировано ImportBot 14 января 2023 г. | История Издание Business by the book (1990)

Business by the book

the complete guide of Biblical principles for business men and women

от Larry Burkett

Business by the book

This updated version of the bestselling Business By The Book offers radical principles of business management that go beyond the Ten Commandments and other biblical maxims. Business by the Book is a step-by-step presentation of how businesses should be run according to the creator of all management rules: God -- the purpose being to help you trust in the Lord in your business life. Larry Burkett, founder and president of Christian Financial Concepts, provides business principles from his own experience as well as what God's Word says on topics such as: hiring and firing decisions; pay increases and promotions; management selection; employee pay decisions; borrowing and/or lending decisions; discounting policies; forming corporations and partnerships; business tithing; retirement. Larry Burkett has been successfully teaching these biblical principles to business managers, owners, and employees attending his counseling sessions and seminars throughout the world for over twenty years. - Back cover.

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