PDF Embed

Did you know that you can embed PDF files in content just like you put flash and other media? Well, this plugin from Techjoomla does exactly that - it allows you to embed PDF files in your content.


You can load an external PDF file in your content very easily using this plugin.
1. Google Viewer Support: This feature is offered by Google Docs. With this you can embed PDF files in a web page. And, the pretty part is - you don't have to be upload PDF files to Google Docs, but those files need to be available online somewhere.

  1. PDF.js Support: It is a community-driven Portable Document Format (PDF) viewer that is built with HTML5 and supported by Mozilla Labs. It is a general-purpose, web standards-based platform for parsing and rendering PDFs.
  2. Editor button plugin for embedding PDF files quickly using PDF Embed plugin.
  3. Joomla 4 support

For our other extensions, visit our Techjoomla website.

PDF Embed

Version: 3.0.0 Developer: Techjoomla Last updated: Sep 15 2023
11 months ago Date added: Nov 19 2014 License: GPLv2 or later Type: Free download Includes: